Scroll Upgrade Weapon

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.

Desert Storm

10 فبراير 2017



Today i will give you Scroll Upgrade Weapon Egy A +7 To Egy B +0

النهاردة جايب اسكرولة للابجريد



Database Line


1    522461    ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE    ????? (????)    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE    SN_ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE_TT_DESC    0    0    3    3    3    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    xxx    item\etc\drop_mall_scroll.bsr    item\etc\archemy_skillstone_wind.ddj    xxx    xxx    100254


100254    1    2    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1000    ????    1    ??????    -1    RESURRECT    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    0    0    0


ضيف البروسيدر دا زى ما انا محدد تحت ..

SRO_VT_SHARDLOG > Programmability > Stored Procedures > dbo._AddLogItem

  IF (@Operation = 41) -- If item used!
     IF (@ItemRefID = 522461) -- RefObjCommon ID
       Execute [SRO_VT_SHARDLOG].[dbo].[_UpgradeWeaponSystem] @CharID


دلوقتى اعمل الكيورى دا

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[_UpgradeWeaponSystem]    Script Date: 02/20/2015 08:35:45 ******/

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[_UpgradeWeaponSystem]
 @CharID   Int

 -- Declare expression.
   Declare @CreaterName Varchar(60) = 'Desert Storm' , -- Creater Name
   @WeaponSlot Int = 6 , -- char inventory weapon slot
   @ReqOptLevel Int = [COLOR="Red"]7[/COLOR]    , -- Change old item requiared plus for upgrade.
   @NewOptLevel Int = [COLOR="red"]0[/COLOR]    , -- Change new item plus after upgrade
   -- Set Old and New Weapons RefObjCommon ID below
   -- Use This Query to get each item ID by Codename128
   -- Select ID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_RefObjCommon] Where CodeName128 Like 'Item Code Name'
   ---> Old weapon ID's                  ---> New weapons ID's
   @Old_CH_SWORD_ID Int  = 25611    , @New_CH_SWORD_ID Int  = 25669  ,    --@New Chinese Sword
   @Old_CH_BLADE_ID Int  = 25612    , @New_CH_BLADE_ID Int  = 25670  ,    --@Chinese Blade
   @Old_CH_SPEAR_ID Int  = 25613    , @New_CH_SPEAR_ID Int  = 25671  ,    --@Chinese Spear
   @Old_CH_TBLADE_ID Int = 25614    , @New_CH_TBLADE_ID Int = 25672  ,    --@Chinese Glaive
   @Old_CH_BOW_ID Int    = 25615    , @New_CH_BOW_ID Int    = 25673  ,    --@Chinese Bow
   @Old_EU_DAGGER_ID Int = 25623    , @New_EU_DAGGER_ID Int = 25681  ,    --@European Dagger
   @Old_EU_XBOW_ID Int   = 25624    , @New_EU_XBOW_ID Int   = 25682  ,    --@European CrossBow
   @Old_EU_AXE_ID Int    = 25622    , @New_EU_AXE_ID Int    = 25680  ,    --@European Axe
   @Old_EU_SWORD_ID Int  = 25620    , @New_EU_SWORD_ID Int  = 25678  ,    --@European One Hand Sword
   @Old_EU_TSWORD_ID Int = 25621    , @New_EU_TSWORD_ID Int = 25679  ,    --@European Two Hand Sword
   @Old_EU_TSTAFF_ID Int = 25625    , @New_EU_TSTAFF_ID Int = 25683  ,    --@European Two Hand Staff
   @Old_EU_STAFF_ID Int  = 25627    , @New_EU_STAFF_ID Int  = 25685  ,    --@European Claric Rod
   @Old_EU_DSTAFF_ID Int = 25626    , @New_EU_DSTAFF_ID Int = 25684  ,    --@European Warlock Rod
   @Old_EU_HARP_ID Int   = 25628    , @New_EU_HARP_ID Int   = 25686  ,    --@European Harp
 -- Start Upgrade weapon system :
    -- CH Weapons Upgrade.
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_CH_SWORD_ID  , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_CH_SWORD_ID  and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Sword
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_CH_BLADE_ID  , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_CH_BLADE_ID  and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Blade
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_CH_SPEAR_ID  , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_CH_SPEAR_ID  and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Spear
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_CH_TBLADE_ID , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_CH_TBLADE_ID and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@T-Blade
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_CH_BOW_ID    , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_CH_BOW_ID    and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Bow
    -- EU Weapons Upgrade.
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_DAGGER_ID , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_DAGGER_ID and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Dagger
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_XBOW_ID   , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_XBOW_ID   and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Crossbow
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_AXE_ID    , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_AXE_ID    and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Axe
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_SWORD_ID  , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_SWORD_ID  and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@OneHand Sword
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_TSWORD_ID , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_TSWORD_ID and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@T-Sword
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_TSTAFF_ID , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_TSTAFF_ID and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@T-Staff
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_STAFF_ID  , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_STAFF_ID  and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Staff
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_DSTAFF_ID , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_DSTAFF_ID and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Dark-Staff
    Update [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Items] Set RefItemID = @New_EU_HARP_ID   , OptLevel = @NewOptLevel , CreaterName = @CreaterName Where ID64 = (Select ItemID From [SRO_VT_SHARD].[dbo].[_Inventory] Where CharID = @CharID and Slot = @WeaponSlot and ItemID> 0) and RefItemID = @Old_EU_HARP_ID   and (OptLevel >= @ReqOptLevel)    --@Harp

ملحوظة : اللى بالأحمر دا البلص ال 7+ دى اللى لازم الاسكرولة تشتغل بعدها وهتتعمل بس بلص 0+ حدد البلص اللى انت عاوزه


Media Line


1    522461    ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE    ????? (????)    xxx    SN_ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE    SN_ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE_TT_DESC    0    0    3    3    3    1    180000    3    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    -1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    100    0    0    0    xxx    item\etc\drop_mall_scroll.bsr    item\etc\archemy_skillstone_wind.ddj    xxx    xxx    1    2    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1000    ????    1    ??????    -1    RESURRECT    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    -1    xxx    0    0

itemdata_xxxx.txt شوف اخر رقم عندك وضيف الكود اللى فوق فيه



1    SN_ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE                                Weapons Upgrade Scroll
1    SN_ITEM_MALL_SCROLL_WEAPON_UPGRADE_TT_DESC                                <sml2>Use this scroll for upgrade your weapon .<br><br><strong><font color="255,236,219,156">How To Use:</font></strong><br>- Use your weapon that u want to upgrade it at char hands.<br>- Then use this scroll by right click on it.<br>- You will teleported automatically to town to applay changes.<br><br><strong><font color="255,236,219,156">Created by:</font></strong><br><strong><font color="255,0,255,127">Desert Storm</font></strong></sml2>


كدا مبروك عليك الاسكرولة ..
أنتظروا اسكرولة الشيلد ,,


مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.